At risk of losing some
people by the end….this might be a long one! Of course, those of you who know me also know that short
conversations are not my gift, so this blog should make you feel like I’m
standing right in front of you! J

First, I’ll update you
on some work going on here at our Southern Hospital (HBB) where I’ve been
working all this time. One great
story from this month is that this cutie pie named Yaywra just finished 6
rounds of chemotherapy and seems to be in remission! She presented with a HUGE abdominal mass and ended up having
an ovary removed that was probably about 10cm in diameter. Unfortunately there was still a lot of
cancer left behind. Thanks to a
hospital in Michigan who does our pathology for free, we were able to determine
that she had Burkitt Lymphoma.
This type of lymphoma is endemic to Africa (and happened to be first
reported by Dr. Burkitt who was a medical missionary in Uganda many years ago). The good news is that it is usually
VERY responsive to chemotherapy and kids have about a 75% of living cancer free
if they make through all the treatments.
Unfortunately here in Togo, we start chemo on patients and then they
never come back to finish treatments.
This is partly due to a misunderstanding of the chronic nature of
cancer, and in part due to the financial constraints of families. (In government hospitals, if you don’t
have the money to pay for treatment or medications AHEAD of time, treatment
isn’t given! This means: if you
child comes to the ED very sick and needing medications, the doctors write a
prescription for IV fluids, antibiotics, etc. and you have to go to the
pharmacy immediately to buy them.
If you don’t have the money, your child won’t get treated—no matter
To attempt to
alleviate this problem, I have started to tell families that they won’t have to
pay anything until the end of all 6 cycles. If they come for all 6, the hospital Pediatric Benevolence
Fund pays about 50% (or more) of the total bill. If they stop coming after just a few, I tell them that they
will owe the hospital the total amount.
Of course, this is very motivating to families and we have been able to
improve our rates of chemo follow-up!
A HUGE thank you to those who contribute to the Peds Benevolence
Fund! Because of you, these kids
can get treatment! Please pray
that Yayrwa will continue to be cancer free!

We also have 2
premature infants right now—John and Image (pronounced the French way
“ee-maj). They were born 1 day
apart both at 28 weeks, and weighing in at 900 grams (1 pound, 15.5
ounces!) Image came into the world
in very difficult circumstances.
Here mom came into our hospital with an enormous jaw tumor that was
about to close off her airway. Our
Surgeons immediately placed a Trach-tube so that she could breath easier. There wasn’t any chemo to offer her,
nor could a surgery be done. After
a couple days, she was becoming obviously worse, and our doctors had to make
the difficult choice to deliver the infant via C-section despite her
prematurity. Sadly, about 12 hours
later, her mom passed away. In
subsequent days, Image was left at the hospital alone. Her family had left and we were unsure
if they would return. But
amazingly, after 4 days, her paternal grand-mother came and has been at her
bedside ever since. This grandma
actually has 9 children of her own (all living), so Image has a HUGE family
with many aunts and uncles that will care for her. In the days that followed her mother’s death, we got word
that her dad actually tried to commit suicide out of despair over the loss of
his wife. Thankfully, he was not
successful and has since made several visits to the hospital to see his little
girl fighting and growing! For the
last 2 weeks he has brought be a bushel of fresh vegetables from his village as
a “thank you”! God is using this
little girl to give a new Hope to her dad, Praise the Lord! I have also started a Bible study with
the grandmother, which has been a great joy! Please pray for these
little premies to grow well and tolerate feeding. They are at about 22 days and reaching a month is an
important milestone. (If they make
it past 1 month, they usually survive.)
Pray for their families as they have to stay at their bedsides 24/7 and
it can be very exhausting!

Lastly (in patient care news). This little girl's name is Grace and she is the daughter of one of our employees. She is 5 years old and has a repairable heart condition. We are currently working hard to get her to the US (or another country) for surgery. She does well, but frequently comes down with malaria or other tropical illness that aggravates her condition severely. Please pray with us as we work towards finding her the best place to go while trusting in God's timing for all things!
Meeting with new friends on a recent trip to Mango |
I also wanted to say a
word about my future plans here in Togo.
As many of you know, I recently joined ABWE in order to become a
full-time missionary/Pediatrician here in Togo! The need here is so very great, and I couldn’t imagine
working anywhere else (and I’m trying to avoid ObamaCare!
While the need is very great here at our Southern Hospital, we also have
a hospital that is currently under construction in the Northern part of the
country, in a city called Mango.
This is a town of about 50,000 who are mostly Muslim and have VERY
little access to healthcare. Due
to it’s location, the hospital will actually serve people from the surrounding
countries as well—Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Benin! We are praying that the construction will be done in the
fall 2014, and that the doors will be ready to open on JANUARY 8, 2015!! I have had to make a difficult choice
in whether I will stay and serve here in the South, or go North.
I said that I love pictures of older people because their faces tell
a story. This Fulbe woman heard me and said, "I'm old, you
should take my picture." |
When I first joined
Samaritan’s Purse they asked me where I wanted to serve. I thought back to my trip to Nigeria
that year, and how oppressive it felt to drive through the Northern part of the
country. I realized that my heart
was to serve in Muslim ministry somewhere in West Africa. The town of Mango is within the famous
“10/40 window”. This is the area
of the world that sits between 10 and 40 latitudes; within it lies the majority
of the world’s poverty and unreached people groups.
What is an unreached
people group?! This is the
term given to a group of people united in language and culture, who don’t even
have access to hearing the Gospel.
It does not just refer to people groups who aren’t Christians, but
instead to groups who have
never even had the opportunity to hear about
Christ. One if these such
groups is called the Fulbe (or Fulani), who are a Nomadic tribe found
throughout West Africa comprised of about 20 million people spread over 19
countries and 99% Muslim. This
group of people is looked down upon by the tribes around them, as they are seen
as refusing to conform to groups around them, living in “the bush” and
maintaining century-long traditions.
Their lives as herdsmen are tightly tied to their cattle and being able
to keep their cattle healthy is a huge opportunity for ministry (ANY VETS OUT
tribe also carry their own traditions that can vary widely. One of my good Fulani friends is part
of a tribe that is not allowed to sing!!
I am praying for the day that I might hear her sing sweet words of
Pray for the over
300,000 people in Northern Togo who are considered a part of unreached people
groups. Pray for the hospitals in
Togo and we continue to need people to serve both Northern and Southern
ministries in Medical (Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Lab Technicians, Xray/Echo
techs), Administrative, Church Planting, IT, and Accounting!! Pray that as I continue to raise
support, I might be able to return to Togo by Jan 2015, in time for the opening
of the hospital.
the 10 people who have already committed to monthly or yearly giving, as well
as the 8 people who have given one-time gifts! These have already put me at 40% of my needed support! What a great encouragement this has
been! Many thanks to those of you
who have committed to prayer, as this is truly how the Lord works, so that we
may be a part of HIS ministry to the Togolese.
Grace and Peace-